Spring Week 1

Week 1

Believe it or not Spring is already here… well at least here at Real. Meaningful. Family! Spring doesn’t officially start for a couple of weeks, and the weather has been teasing us lately with occasional spring temperatures, but we are going to jump right in with Easter and St. Patricks Day activities! And I’m so excited!

A few notes to get started… I did some tweaking to the plan because I have to stress these activities are by no means meant to create “preschool” for these young children. It is extremely important that the activities not be mis-construed as a set “learning” time, rather as a set time to be together, have fun, and play. What I found with my toddlers and young preschoolers was that if I didn’t have a set time to play with them, all my other work got in the way! It takes prioritizing and being aware of what we’ve got going on to make sure we are sitting down and playing, reading, singing, moving, dancing, rhyming… with our little ones. So, you’ll find at the top of each weekly plan a little disclaimer of sorts that I am going to always have up their to remind ourselves what these activities are meant to be!

The other note that I am excited to mention is that the entire spring activity plan is ALL up on the blog. Woohoo! On the main page if you hover over Toddler Activities, and click on Spring, a schedule of all 13 weeks will come up! With each week is a link to that activity plan, and below the link to the activity plan are the blog posts about the activities that I have gotten up on the blog. That is also where you can find the materials lists for March, April, and May (April and May will post the Thursday before they begin). I am planning on blogging a bit about each week before they come and will include a link to the new week plan, but just in case I don’t it’s all there and ready to go!

Ok, so enough with the notes, here’s the good stuff…

Spring Week 1

March Materials List

Spring Activities

Happy Playing!

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