Spring Week 12

Spring Week 12: May 20-24

Week 12

At Real. Meaningful. Family. my goal is to provide information based on research for parents and caregivers, and to create regular opportunity for you to have special together time with your child. Toddlers and preschoolers learn from the environment and daily interactions. We are in no way seeking to create a school-like setting for your young child. Research has clearly indicated that academic learning (think reading, writing, and arithmetic) for these young children is not developmentally appropriate, learning for this age is in the every day details. The activities below have been created as a time to set aside specifically for parents and care givers to have a fun interaction with their children. I would recommend you first prioritize time to read, snuggle, dance, sing, move, rhyme, play, and then add these activities in as you can. Don’t stress… keep it simple, and just be together!
“The work will wait while you show your child the rainbow. But the rainbow won’t wait while you do the work.” -Erik Erikson


Paint the Sidewalk

It’s always nice to combine activities that are traditionally done indoor, with the outside. This is a painting activity that will combine large muscle movements and the creativity of your child. There is not a lot of structure to this painting activity, just fun to be had with the freedom of painting on the sidewalk.

Stuff to Have

Sidewalk paint, homemade or purchased


Developing Skills

Art, large movement, colors

Fine Motor

Egg Sort

IMG_5692How about an absolute, zero prep activity that the kids will love!?! These Easter eggs are a great fine motor sorting activity. As simple as it sounds, my kids have always loved doing this. It’s so simple, I really don’t even need to provide instructions, other than… play along, demonstrate, maybe match by color maybe you don’t, and help out with younger children to keep from getting frustrated.

Stuff to Have

Plastic Easter Eggs

Developing Skills

Fine motor, math (sorting), problem solving

Early Science & Math

Nature Walk

IMG_1467Things have changed a lot outside since we last did this in week 3! Spring and Fall are the best seasons to go on frequent nature walks and check out the changing scenery and temperature! Talk about what has changed. What flowers are there now that weren’t? How tall are they? What color are they? Are the trees different? Bigger? Greener? What are the leaves like? Are they the same or different than another tree? What are the birds doing? Are there any nests to check out? What is the temperature like? Your child will naturally explore things that are interesting to them. Picking up rocks, feeling the grass (or not if they don’t like it like my kids early on!), checking out flowers and plants at their level. And then it’s our job to capitalize and talk about what we see, and what they are interested in.

Developing Skills

Early science, observation, large motor

Cooking & Baking


Toward the end of each Season I like to leave a cooking and baking activity open for you to make something you enjoy with your child. What’s a favorite springtime food or treat you grew up making, or would like to make a tradition for your family?

Whatever you choose find things like dumping, stirring, rolling, patting, squishing, crunching, etc. for your child to do and participate as much as possible. This will be one of their favorite things to do with you!

Happy Playing!


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